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The #2 Human Insights B2B CRM

For the first time, the world of B2B sales witnesses a CRM tool that provides a pleasant and enjoyable sales experience, akin to participating in a business game.

The easy and effective CRM

Pipedrive lets you track your sales pipeline, optimize leads, manage deals with AI and automate your entire sales process so you can focus on selling.

Leads Management
Leads Scoring
Sales Quotas
Emails Integration
Contract Forms
Website Call-To-Action
Mass Import
Opportunities management
In-Pipeline Management
Pipeline by Expected Closing Dates
Log Calls
Photos in Contacts
Multiple Contacts per Company
Mass Mailing
Web to Leads Capture
Leads Tracking (Visited Pages)
Activities Analysis
Pipeline Analysis
Sales Analysis
Sales Forecasts
Recurring Business
Dynamic Graphs
Customizable Dashboard
Quick note (sticky note)
VOIP Integration
Calender Integration
Ability to Add Fields
Drag and Drop Fields
Mobile App
Health score (Account, Contact)
Win probability
Opportunities Review
Competitor Wiki
Sales Goals
$ 49

The Future of B2B CRM:
Human Insights
Over Automation

Traditional automation CRMs are struggling to meet the needs of modern B2B sales. The focus has shifted from mass outreach to personalized relationships.

Human insight CRMs like OplaCRM offer deeper customer understanding and actionable insights, leading to improved sales performance and customer satisfaction.


Empower your sales team with human insights, detailed competitor analysis, customer profiling, and accurate opportunity scoring.
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The Challenges for Tavico's daily sales operations
Manage Data Efficiently and Double Your Sales Performance with OplaCRM
Read more
How Vinova Enhances Operational Efficiency, Doubles Productivity
Choosing the right CRM empowers Vinova to transform sales data management and elevate team performance.
Read more

switch to oplacrm easy

Already using another CRM?
Don’t worry! You can import all your existing data into OplaCRM with a few simple clicks.

Our Customer Success Specialist will help you!
You can reach us anytime via nghi.tran@oplacrm.com
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Enterprises who trust and succeed with OplaCRM


This is the satisfaction we receive from “OPLA lovers”


Customers continue using OplaCRM from the second year onward

Customers fall in love with ''Opla'' at first sight

“I appreciate OplaCRM's approach to Gamification, where sales performance isn't the solemetric for evaluating employees, particularly new hires. It's great that everyone's contributions are automatically acknowledged.”

Le Anh Linh – DCEO
CMC TS - Top 10 Leading Technology Companies in Vietnam

“From the very beginning of my exposure and acquaintance with Opla software, I have felt extremely excited because I get to enjoy an interesting and simple "Oplaegg" appetizer every morning. OplaCRM empowers me to proactively support sales personnel, rather than needing to request and wait for aggregated customer and project information to facilitate my follow-ups.”

Cao Thi Bich Lieu – Sales Director
Faslink JSC -Leading the sustainable fashion garment industry in the South of Vietnam


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CRM system?

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps manage customer data. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media, and facilitates team communication. Cloud-based CRM systems offer complete mobility and access to an ecosystem of bespoke apps.
Find out more here: 2 Types of CRM you need to understand

Why using CRM?

A CRM system is a powerful tool that helps businesses organize customer data, track interactions, and automate tasks. By providing a centralized view of customer information, CRMs enable personalized marketing, improved sales efficiency, and stronger customer relationships. CRM enables you to identify, nurture, and monitor high-quality leads, ensuring efficient allocation of time and resources.
Find out more here: All about CRM Software for B2B

Does OplaCRM offer a trial version?

Yes, you can experience OplaCRM Freemium: complete simple tasks to unlock new features and expand the number of seats for your team.

Is it possible to integrate OplaCRM with other tools?

OPLA stands for Open Platform - our solution easily integrates with other software to support various business operations within your company.

How to switch from other CRM to OplaCRM?

Don’t worry! You can import all your existing data into OplaCRM with a few simple clicks.
Our Customer Success Specialist will help you from the beginning. Just fill in this form, we will contact with you within 6 hours

What is OplaCRM Gamification?

Gamification in OplaCRM motivates the sales team and improves user adoption. At Opla, we understand that sales is not simple, so a good CRM should serve as a tool to alleviate burdens and guide sales reps to sell more efficiently.

How long does it take for a team to become proficient in using OplaCRM?

The duration of the OplaCRM onboarding process may vary depending on several factors: team size, complexity of input data, and alignment of OplaCRM with your business model. On average, SMEs typically require 2-7 working days to complete the onboarding process.
However, for larger enterprises with extensive customization needs, please contact OplaCRM to explore our deployment support packages.


Don’t be an office zombie: Unleash your inner work hero with OPLACRM.