The latest industry news, interviews, technologies, and resources.

Sales B2B

The Role of Personalization in B2B Sales: How to Make Every Interaction Count

In the world of B2B sales, personalization isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a crucial strategy for building meaningful relationships and driving success.
Anh Le
August 19, 2024
CRM Software

Human Insight in B2B CRM: The Key to Building Stronger Business Relationships

For decades, technology has been a game-changer in business, promising to save time and automate tedious tasks. However, as companies increasingly rely on these tools to drive efficiency, they risk overlooking a crucial element: the human touch. While CRMs and automation are powerful, they can’t replace the personal insights and connections essential for building strong B2B relationships. Human insight is not just a nice-to-have; it's the key to navigating the complexities of B2B CRM and fostering lasting business connections.
Iris Pham
August 19, 2024
CRM Software

The Hidden Pitfalls of Over-Automation in CRM: Why Human Insight Still Matters

Automation has become a buzzword in the world of CRM, promising efficiency, scalability, and precision. While automation undoubtedly offers great benefits, depending too much on these technologies can result in unintended drawbacks. As companies increase their use of automation, they risk losing the personal touch that is essential for building meaningful customer relationships.
Iris Pham
August 19, 2024
CRM Software

Human Insight in B2B CRM: The Key to Building Stronger Business Relationships

For decades, technology has been a game-changer in business, promising to save time and automate tedious tasks. However, as companies increasingly rely on these tools to drive efficiency, they risk overlooking a crucial element: the human touch. While CRMs and automation are powerful, they can’t replace the personal insights and connections essential for building strong B2B relationships. Human insight is not just a nice-to-have; it's the key to navigating the complexities of B2B CRM and fostering lasting business connections.
Iris Pham
August 19, 2024
CRM Software

The Hidden Pitfalls of Over-Automation in CRM: Why Human Insight Still Matters

Automation has become a buzzword in the world of CRM, promising efficiency, scalability, and precision. While automation undoubtedly offers great benefits, depending too much on these technologies can result in unintended drawbacks. As companies increase their use of automation, they risk losing the personal touch that is essential for building meaningful customer relationships.
Iris Pham
August 19, 2024
CRM Software

OplaCRM vs. Pipedrive: A Deep Dive into Human-Centric CRM

Are you tired of generic CRM tools that treat all your customers the same? It's time to embrace a more human-centric approach to sales.
August 16, 2024
Sales B2B

Types of Sales plans that businesses should know

A sales plan is likened to a "key" to help businesses identify their goals, purposes, and strategies. Besides, businesses also need to choose the most suitable type of sales plan to be able to optimize their sales process. So let's find out what types of sales plans there are.
August 2, 2024
Sales B2B

What are the characteristics of B2B customers?

The Sales department is very important in a company, there are two types of business according to customers commonly known as Sale B2B and B2C. So what are B2B and B2C Sales? What is B2B in sales? What characteristics do B2B customers have?
August 2, 2024
Sales B2B

Outside Sales vs. Inside Sales: The Role of CRM and the Power of Gamification

In today's fast-paced business environment, understanding the distinctions between outside sales and inside sales is crucial. Each sales approach serves a unique purpose and presents distinct challenges. To overcome these hurdles, businesses are increasingly turning to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions, particularly those that incorporate gamification elements.
August 1, 2024
Marketing Automation

Martech Architecture

According to observations, the number of Martech investment enterprises "have everything but still lack" or "everything but none of them operate effectively" accounts for a fairly large part". The main reason is that there is no comprehensive view of the overall architecture, which leads to disjointed solutions and overlapping functions.
June 28, 2024

Creative by oplacrm

OPLA decided to write this document from a comment on Facebook stating that "Doing B2B Sales requires a relationship".
The question is, with a salesperson just entering the market, how can they survive and develop?

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